30 Day Drawing Challenge: Favorite Animal

This challenge is going great so far. Right off the bat, we have two more participants, bringing the total up to four! There’s me (obviously), Niki Nowell , her 9-year old daughter Zoe , and ‘freebie’. Be sure to pop over to their blogs to see what they’ve come up with for the challenge (CHALLENGE LIST HERE).

Day 2 is ‘favorite animal’. This one gave me pause because I don’t really have a favorite animal. It’s not that I don’t like animals. I do. But there isn’t one that really gets me excited. But I do have an unordered list of animals that I like, and unsurprisingly, monkeys are on that list (as are hedgehogs, turtles and frogs).

Just like yesterday’s self-portrait, today’s drawing was a first; I’ve never actually drawn a monkey before. There are parts of the drawing I like, and parts I don’t. There are a few Bob Ross style “happy accidents”. I’d have liked to redo it, but I’m out of time. The day is over. Time to post.

So, here’s my monkey (that was fun to say/write):

Since I finished this one so late and I didn’t want to wake the wife, I wasn’t able to scan it and actually had to take a photo and do my best to clean it up in GIMP.

If you want to participate in this challenge with us, let us know (so we can link to you); it’s not too late to join in, and we’d love to have more people. Also, be sure to check out the other blogs. See you tomorrow.

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